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Wealth Rights pledge to offer authors works fair royalties above the average rate in the publishing industry is why we have become the most sought after agency and publishing house today. 

We offer traditional publishing, management, literary & film including future Influencer (influwazee) representation.

Wealth Rights Publishing and Literary founded in 2005 by Mark Macrone, after college he went to work for his father in his shoe store chain as a manager. A chance encounter with the fame author Stephen King would change his life forever. Shortly after Mark embarked onto the literary and publishing world.

Over the years Mark has had the pleasure meeting many established authors.

Wealth Rights has served all of their client's proudly and has worked with celebrities looking for a change in career.


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Announcement News

All Junior editors at Wealth Rights publishing house as of today starting salary at 100K In addition all authors will receive additional percentage in revenues... the new model is here...greedy publishers are gone with tomorrows trash! Say goodbye to butterflies & Fish Stick publishing industry practices. Mark Macrone


Open to all Submissions ACCEPTED! New Submission 1/13/2024 - 5/7/2024 We also represents future Influencers, so you do not need to have a large audience or impactful presence online. To submit please leave your book information, such as title, synopsis, genre, authors name and social media links using our contact form, to your top right page. Note: Submission materials can be any length we also accept self published works. Indicate seeking publishing, literary or film representation. If our team decides to represent you as a writer we will find you the best deal possible if not we will a sign you to our in-house publishing company. If our team decides to represent you as an actor we will find the best roles for you if not we will a sign you to our affiliate partners in the film industry. If our team decides to represent you as an influencer  (influwazzee) we will find the best way to promote you in various ways. Tell us what makes you special and send a head shot and any social media